New Frontier: Exploring New Opportunities via Qianhai China
Dubbed "China's Manhattan," the new financial district... [See More]
27 Aug 2013
Strategically located between Europe and the Middle East,... [See More]
12 Aug 2013
Emerging Opportunities: HKTDC Regional Director, Europe Stephen Wong
Russia, Kazahkstan and Turkey are among the most promising... [See More]
14 July 2013
Retail Rally: HKTDC Regional Director, Mideast & Africa, Perry Fung
Middle East consumers are driving a rise in retail business... [See More]
14 July 2013
US-Hong Kong Collaboration Opportunities: Louis Ho, HKTDC Branch Director
As companies in the United States are keen to find new... [See More]
10 July 2013
Impact of Abenomics in Japan: Shigemi Furuta, HKTDC Branch Director
Hong Kong traders should keep close tabs on the gradual... [See More]
10 July 2013
ASEAN Aspirations: The HKTDC’s Dannie Chiu
Finding new markets in Asia is worth dealing with... [See More]
9 July 2013
Chinese mainland on the move: Brian Ng, HKTDC Branch Director
Opportunities abound on the Chinese mainland for Hong Kong... [See More]
7 July 2013
HKTDC Head Outlines Myanmar Opportunities
In early March, Hong Kong Trade Development Council... [See More]
27 March 2013
The largest delegation of Hong Kong companies from the ICT... [See More]
13 Dec 2012
Exploring African Markets with HKTDC's Raymond Yip
The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) organized... [See More]
2 Dec 2012
Partnership Progress: The HKTDC's David Marsden
The value of the solid trade relationship between the... [See More]
2 Dec 2012